Looking for a Supplier of Hi Temp Bumper Plates in Australia
One of the major drawbacks of a busy gym is the noise factor. There’s nothing more guaranteed to pull you out of the zone than the clang of metal on the gym floor and it can certainly be jarring to the nerves when you drop a steel plate. Even worse, the traditional old steel plates could cause untold damage to the gym floor.
A Great Alternative to Steel Plates
We sell some of the most competitively priced hi-temp bumper plates in Australia, and they are a great alternative to the old clunky steel or iron weight plates. Made with repurposed vulcanised rubber, they minimise the impact on the floor, with a lot of flex and bounce, which also means they do not make any unpleasant noise as you drop them. Furthermore, because the rubber is recycled, you can feel good about working out in a sustainable, eco-friendly way.
What to Consider When Buying Your Hi-Temp Bumper Plates
In addition to the virtues of hi-temp rubber detailed, one of the things that makes it such a good material to use is its incredible durability. Bumper plates, by their nature, are designed to be used aggressively. They are often used by professional and Olympic weightlifters in moves such as the snatch and the clean-and-jerk, which makes them the most likely of weights to be dropped during a training session. Some have suggested that hi-temp rubber is almost indestructible, which is why it is used so often in professional settings.
But as well as durability there are a few considerations you should make when choosing your weights. These are:
- What stage are you at in training? If you are just starting out it is worth trying out our 5kg weights first so you can build up your technique before going for the big ones.
- What kind of gym are you buying for? If you are looking to stock a commercial gym or a private gym you should consider buying one of our sets – this will save you money in the long run.
- What kind of floor will you be using them on? Even though hi-temp bumper plates significantly reduce the impact on your floor, you should always use a professional gym matt to lessen the damage caused by weightlifting.
- Where will you store your weights? No-one likes to stub their toe on plate weights, so consider investing in one of our wall-mounted or free-standing plate racks.
For every one of these considerations, we’ve got the solution. Our high-temperature bumper plates are on offer between 5kg and 25kg per weight and can be bought as part of a set – not to mention our high-performance barbells on which you can mount them.
Order Your Hi-Temperature Bumper Plates Online
You are only a few clicks away from ordering your hi-temp plates. Whilst you might be tempted to buy inferior products at lower prices, keep in mind that these bumper plates will last you for years and years of even the most aggressive of weightlifters.
We’re so proud of our bumper plates that we offer them under our 14-day guarantee. If you aren’t satisfied within two weeks of your purchase, we’ll offer a refund! You’ll also be pleased to find that we have all kinds of payment options and plans to make the purchase easier for you.
Order yours now and they will be with you in a matter of days!
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