When you’re serious about fitness, timing is important and accuracy is crucial. Using interval timers and other electronic devices, you can take your workout to the next level. A timer enables you to plan and execute your workout so you know you’re getting the very best out of yourself as well as pinpoint areas for improvement.
Compact and with an abundance of features, modern interval timers are essential digital companions at the gym, in group fitness or simply when you’re exercising solo and trying to beat your personal best.
Interval timers allow you to measure cardio endurance and a whole range of factors influencing your overall performance.
The NC Fitness 8 Digit Interval Timer enables you to pre-set your favourite workout and is fully remote controlled. You can even view the LED screen from 50 metres away! An alternate option is the Gymboss, complete with secure belt clip, stopwatch, beep and or vibrate alarm, with AAA battery.
View our range of interval timers in-store at our NC Fitness shop in Hallam, Melbourne. Or shop online and enjoy our excellent customer service with shipping throughout Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Hobart or anywhere else in Australia.